Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Book Baby Nesting

Feeling like I've been nesting lately. When I was pregnant and nearing the due date, those last couple of months were filled with things to do, projects to complete, and heaping my plate with productivity. I know it was nesting because I am typically not a "do-er" as much as I am a "do-er wannabe". But during my nesting period, I thrived on the doing.

These past couple of weeks have me preparing for a different kind of baby...a book proposal. I'm not under contract [YET...a girl can dream], but opportunities arise to get my stories in front of editors on occasion, and this spring has been exceptionally busy [woot woot].  And as I have been energized by writing, I have that strange feeling of a do-er who actually does.

So, while I seem to fall short on blogging on a regular basis lately, it's not because I am slacking, it's because I am writing toward a dream of publication in my sixth year of doing so.

Praying for favor, and word count, and continued momentum. It's so much fun to "nest" for  my book babies.

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