Saturday, January 2, 2016

My Word for 2016

The new year did not start well. This past week I had a sour feeling and I couldn't shake it. Everywhere I look, new leaves are turned over, and friends are getting their fresh start. That's what this arbitrary date does for us right? Gives us hope in a second chance?

Last year around this time, I was welcoming the new year with arms open wide and my back firmly turned against all the garbage of 2014. Yep, I was ready to take that plunge into a whole new start. And you know what, 2015 was a million times better than 2014.
And it was so good, I can't help but wonder if we can maintain it?
Because I see my family and I see the hurt from 2014 seeping out from all the healing we did in 2015. And it's invading our space again. It gave us a year of reprieve, but now it's filling the valley with its stink and I am not sure I am prepared for it.

A new year is a new start...or an old reminder of what's unfinished and upturned.

My tongue only cries for redemption. The only true healing is there in that redemption. And I am ready for it. I am begging for it. Lord, Redeem us. Redeem my family.

Oh [my family], HOPE in the Lord;
For with the Lord there is Lovingkindness,
And with Him is abundant REDEMPTION.

The valley is old. And I want the high ground.

My word for 2016 is 'Redeem'. I'll pray it every day if I can. My sons need it, my husband needs it, I need it. Our brokenness is shackling us to this valley. And Redemption is the only way out.

Yes, it's a big word. A big prayer. But I have got to believe it can happen. I have got to believe He is there ready to provide it.

Come 2017, I want to look down on the valley below, and not up from it.

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