Thursday, August 6, 2015

Home Improvement crave, thanks HGTV!

So, I am pretty content in my house. It took a while to make it a home, but now, I love it. Even so, I dream often about how I can make it even better. IF you knew me as a child, that wouldn't surprise you. Besides writing fairytales in my spare time, I would sit and draw floor plans for hours. Yep, I was a ten year old with the heart of an architect (perhaps it's because my grandfather aka my hero, was a contractor.)

It's good to dream, but sometimes as an adult, that home-plan dreaming can be a trap of discontentment. Especially after long marathon viewings of HGTV to stir up that "If only"..."List it!" attitude.

But one way to curb that, is my bigger fascination with Pinterest. Yep. Right now, I just LOVE this old but new-to-me social media app. I might not be able to make all these projects happen around my house to make it my dream home, but I can fill up a board with everything and scroll through it and dream to my heart's content.

Want to see my favorite home ideas so far? Do you have a 'Home' board I can explore and share? Let me know!

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