Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Dreamy Writer's Conference

I didn't know what to do with myself. I had a good two hours to kill, and my emotions were at the back of my throat. I awkwardly walked around the hotel lobby, noticing groups of writers, editors, agents chatting, after spending two days together. I arrived that morning. Two days after the conference started, and was leaving a whole day before it ended. I was a fish out of water. A stay-at-home mom dressed as a professional. doubts were high and I lost my focus.

After finally perching myself at Starbucks, with a Vivanno in hand, and a recently purchased book from the conference bookstore, I decided I would "hide" until I met my crit partner for lunch. Ah, but God knew better. He knew that I would regret being a recluse at the conference. I had hoped to learn in the classroom environment, but I knew that a lot was to be learned from the people around me. And before I could even crack my book open, two vibrant women waltzed into Starbucks, and noticed my "first time attendee" ribbon.
"Would you like to have coffee with us?" Sure! I couldn't believe how welcoming they were. We sat down, met several other authors, aspiring writers, and talked. A published author gave me wonderful advice, encouragement, and made me feel so welcomed. She reminded me that God did not create a spirit of timidity, but one of confidence. I told her that I felt like a fish out of water, and she did all she could to encourage me otherwise. She was amazing! I can't wait to read her book, An Irishwoman's Tale, which I quickly bought after we spoke.

I walked into lunch to sit with my crit partner and an amazing editor, with a new dose of confidence! My pitch for my novel went well. The editor was a friendly, encouraging lady, and gave us some great advice!

The rest of the day was wonderful, (except for my constant fight with morning sickness and headaches). My appointment with an agent went great, and we discovered common ground with Texas Aggie Landscape Architecture! Funny how my degree follows me even though I don't work in that field anymore! :)

To top off the great day, my best friend drove down from Ohio with her three kids. My hubby, me, and the boys ate dinner with them. It was fun to see the kids get along, and play with the baby, who is growing like a weed!

My only regret from the whole affair, was that I didn't sign up for the full conference, and I felt like I was missing something as we drove home today. Oh well, there is always next year! I will probably be the first to sign up for that one!

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