Saturday, August 24, 2019

A Mom’s Word about Anxiety

I hugged my kids this least 2 of them...(mom of teens here).
One whispered, “I am scared”, but then burst with a smile because it was a fleeting fear amidst the excitement.
Two kids were cool, ready for this day because they truly are “in their element” around their peers, in their classrooms, down the halls (see the kid on the curb, waiting for the bus, snapping his friends that he’s on his way?)
But, one of mine just needed a really long hug, a pep talk all the way from the stairs to the easy breezy mama encouragement while tears filled his eyes. He didn’t feel good, he admitted his fear, he kept saying over and over, “I can’t do this, Mom”....and I kept smiling saying, “Oh yes you can.”
This is life with anxiety, friends. While some kids go to school to get filled up with friendship, up the cool factor, savor the thrill of being known, some kids are stepping into territory that caves in, with pressure on, expecting uncertainty at every step.
I will just say it—
Mamas, daddies, teachers... speak the truth of kindness into your kiddos—remind them that not everyone is the same, and it’s ok to be kind to those who are different. Remind them that above all else, character counts, and popularity at another’s expense is not worth it. Can I say that again?
👉Popularity at another’s expense is not worth it.👈Remind them to speak truth in the face of rumors, to give grace to that kid who said something weird, to help those who just might not have the confidence to put themselves out there.
Today, I reminded my own kids to be the light, make friends with the kids who are new, and to be kind.
I can’t just send them off to fend for themselves...I want them to fend for others.
It’s the way to be. (I want them to be those people who were that for me—the military brat who went to 3 different elementaries and 3 different middle schools. I know the fear!)
I pray that most kids got the same mama bear advice this morning, the same pep-talk farewell this day, and are walking the halls with my kids, taking the kindness to heart, this first day of school. #mamalove #firstdayofschool #schooldays📚 #kindness #makingadifference

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